Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Maslows Heirarchy of Needs

so i kept thinking about how i might like to live in the future.. and I reflected back to a paper I took in first year - business management 101. A particular theory sprung to mind - Maslows' Hiearchy of Needs. Basically Maslow who is a humanist psycologist set up a hiearchy of 5 levels of basic needs. These needs structured in a pyramid format where the base represents physical needs such as food, oxygen and shelter to self actualization located at the top if the pyramid (refer to diagram). Maslow believes that in order to achieve self-actualization one must satisfy the lower needs in order to ascend the pyramid. this is simply food for thought..let me know what you think?

1 comment:

  1. Could be a really good base for a project. I think it would have to be something deeply embedded in society, rather than obvious , as it could seem like people are being pushed to be what Maslow thinks they should, even if he is right.

    Maybe a world that is shaped to be perfect is doomed to failure as it means there would be no compassion, no happiness because there is no sadness etc. Thats a pretty extreme scenario though I guess.

    I might be missing the point though.
