Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Growth Rings and Enhance

Growth Rings analysis

In this project it is suggested that a Being would ‘grow’ layers of knowledge similar to the growth rings of a tree. The Being would apply inherited knowledge to create experiences, the results of which would in turn build on the knowledge of its ancestors. This process of gaining more knowledge would continue to a point where the Being could no longer sustain itself, the final experience it has converts its life experiences into a shell from which a new Being grows. So I’m guessing that this isn’t a physical shell, but storage of information, ready to be added to. I still don’t quite get why it would have to be renewed by a new Being. Maybe it would be beneficial if the human had more stake in handing on this knowledge? It seems like they have no part in passing on something which is really human knowledge to future generations

Looked at pine tree growth rings on the internet and they have a stronger cell structure near the end of each growth ring. Maybe the Beings growth rings weaker parts (the wrongs paths, failed experiences etc) could disintergrate after the Beings collapses

A humans life is still defined by its age, with which still comes experiences and wisdom. A Beings life is defined by these ‘growth rings’ which define important learning experiences in its life. It can only have these experiences when connected to a human. Sounds a bit like the human is the host and the Being is a parasite. But maybe its a parasite that we need in the future.

Good that humans still have a life span, I think otherwise we would become too static/bored?

‘Rings’ on the Being are unseen by the human eye but a physical mark is left on the spine of a human when it is has an experience with a Being. Apparently a Being can show a human its growth rings and this would give an idea of how the Being would live. I guess seeing as that a human can’t see a Beings rings it would be a virtual/visual experience the Being would give the human if it felt it was earned.

A Being would normally pair with several different humans in its younger years, each pairing would result in a growth ring. Size, width and regularity of rings is all based on the type, size and time span of experience. Most Beings would eventually choose a human for life. Would a human get the choice too?

Enhance analysis

With the help of a Being we can increase our sensory perception in an area. For example in a field of flowers we could have our sense of smell heightened while our other senses decrease.

It is noted that it must be carefully used, to benefit the positive evolution of our experiences.

Depending on which sense is being heightened, some other senses are changed more or less than others.

Sharpening a sense will always blunt at least one other sense.

It is not simply the humans choice as to when a sense is heightened, it comes about through the joint desires of the Being and the human. It also depends on how strong the relationship is. A young human is prevented from a too strong experience by the Being or more specifically ‘Enhance’ . This will allow the Being and the human to experience everything life has to offer (as opposed to certain sensations/experiences)

Once a human grows older and less spritely in body and mind, the intensity and the rate of change of the fluctuations decreases. It begins to focus more on what the human and Being deem most important.

I think this has the makings of a beautiful idea; surely it would create amazing experiences in certain situations as long as this power was not abused. If it was commonplace it would soon fade into normality. Heightened senses don't seem very unlikely either as it is well known in people without certain senses lacking. For example, blind people often have improved hearing abilites.

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