Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cradle to Cradle, Dust to Dust?

Hi guys,

After studio today I got thinking about the Cradle to Cradle ideology and if we could apply this to our architecture further down the track. For anyone that isn't familiar with this idea, its basically creating things that can be fully reused, upcycled or regrow so that, instead of being thrown away, they continue onto another life. Thinking about our possible nomadic approach to living, I wondered if we could develop architecture that would sense a human presence, grow to form whatever they needed and/or wanted and then, after the person has moved on, fell back into the earth as nutrient for the soil. Thoughts?


  1. im definitely keen on this nomadic approach of survival. and feel there is something beautiful about growing tools "as we need" and maybe there is a possibility of leaving a trace maybe? or somehow share with future users? and so forth..

  2. Being Nomads sounds like a fun theme to use for DLF, even apart from the fact that it might be a pragmatic approach to looking after the earth. It could fit in with avoiding disasters like the earthquake in haiti and the floods in new orleans? People might not even be in certain areas at dengerous times of the year if we were selective in where we drifted.

