Monday, April 12, 2010

Passing away

These images are probably the best ones I took. While death must mean a lot of different things to people depending on religion etc, I got a wide range of feelings from walking through this place.

Some of the images, like the top statue,are quite inspiring and make you think maybe the person did something amazing. The second image with the stone all covered in plants I like also, mainly because of how the plant is softening the reality of death and makes things look a bit brighter. Maybe its like death can mean life for something else.

The broken and cracked tombs and stones just make me realise the temporary nature of man made things and our limited time on earth as well as a limited time of being remembered. I'm sure some people in this cemetery are still visited, but many wouldn't be, due to them being buried hundreds of years ago.

The statue with a man and several woman at his feet is just so epic and possibly pretty sexist. I probably would never reach the status required in life to get a plaque of this stature and even if I did, I wouldn't want it resting on top of me. It looks heavy and hard to clean.

So everyone of course has the right to choose what they want. But after talking with the group today I think it would be inspiring to have a system which naturally yet beautifully uses your physical remains in a way which is beneficial somehow to the environment. Imagine if you were mineraly/materially etc responsible for even a single flower which brightened someones day for a brief moment. That would be awesome.

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