got this off
So this basically just describes what is involved with enbalming, in a very 'nice' way. Apparently "Facial features are posed pleasantly and naturally."
Maybe my views would change as I got older but personaly I want to disappear pretty quick after I have died, I don't want to take up space when I'm not even enjoying it. I also don't want people trying to make me "look nice" after I'm dead. I want people to remember how I was, not how I am dead.
I think it would be interesting to look into other ways of giving something back to the earth with our 'used' bodies. Maybe there is some valuable mineral in them etc.
Obviously this is just my personal view but what does everyone else think of the process involved immediately after death? For me, I would just like to be wrapped in a blanket and buried under an rimu tree on the farm
Take into account that embalming is "essential" (legal requirement?)
I think people have to have the option of some kind of embalming.
Embalming, an essential service provided by funeral directors, is frequently misunderstood. Many people associate embalming with ancient and primitive cultural practices and have misgivings about its relevance, value and purpose today.
It enables everyone connected with the funeral - family, friends and professionals - to take part in rituals with no unpleasantness or embarrassment and without risk to their health, whatever the cause of death.
Without embalming, nature begins to take its course very soon after death.
Embalming has three main purposes:
- Sanitation - The body becomes safe for handling and viewing when micro-organisms are made harmless.
- Preservation - Embalming allows adequate time for relatives and friends to grieve and say goodbye. It enables the person who has died to be taken home or to a marae. It ensures that there will be no problems of odour or deterioration.
- Presentation - Embalming restores the person's natural appearance, giving mourners a much better memory picture. This brings a sense of relief and comfort and helps peace of mind.
What does embalming involve?
Modern embalming is a careful scientific procedure performed by skilled personnel. Disinfecting and preserving fluids are distributed through the body's arterial system. Preparation also includes washing, dressing, hairdressing and restoration of natural skin colour.
Any thoughts on this would be awesome
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