Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rock Video

Have talked to Ross and Rachel about where I can take the rock video which seemed succesful in its simplicity in the last presentation.

I am aiming to create an improvement on the last video without sacrificing simplicity. I understand we are planning on using it as an introduction possibly?

Points I have considered:

+Basic/beach/nz? aesthetic, building blocks
+Interaction of people
+Effect of mood/personality.. different personailites coming together.
+Does the architecture react to us or imitate us or both? I think G was talking about how a house might respond to a party by getting bigger etc then becoming calm and quiet in the morning etc. Ross was wondering whether the house could just get drunk with us and start looking all crazy. Maybe not something we will pursue but interesting thought.
+Architecture supporting all our moods, but managing them. For example, you might be angry and the house could reflect that in a way, but it really should also move to calm you down to an extent.
+I almost feel like it needs to be physical non digital video otherwise it seems like a dumbed down version of what we will be showing later anyway?
So I'm open to thoughts...

I'd like to do at least a test video this weekend, so might need rich or someone else for a bit if that works.

I find myself starting to think of complex visual solutions, only to realise that they are not needed as the house animations will show these much better.

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